I would be willing to bet that the motivation behind chewing gum for most people is to boast fresh breath. We have all been in a situation where someone that you were talking to: a co-worker, a boss, your significant other, has been in desperate need of a stick of spearmint gum. Gum does more than keep you out of embarrassing bad breath encounters; there have been many studies done that show sugar-free gum actually has significant health benefits.
Some of the benefits include:
· Reduced Plaque Acid
· Strengthened Enamel
· Decreased Tooth Decay
Chewing sugar-free gum after eating or drinking can enhance oral health because it stimulates your body to create saliva. Saliva is your body’s natural way to neutralize harmful acids that lead to plaque build-up. If not dealt with, plaque can be the cause of tooth decay. In addition to these benefits, the larger amounts of saliva produced carry calcium and phosphate which strengthen tooth enamel. According to the American Dental Association, “chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes following meals can prevent tooth decay.” The ADA supports the research and use of sugar-free chewing gum and has created the “Stamp of Approval” which is awarded to gum manufactures who contribute to a persons’ oral health.
Despite the benefits to chewing sugar-free gum, it should not be a replacement for daily brushing and flossing. As with most dental offices, Cedar Cliff Dental Center recommends that you come in two times a year or more to maintain oral health. Check us out on Facebook and schedule and appointment today!